Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View

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    Heartfelt does not mean what most CR readers seem to

    think it means. Here’s what Google has to say:


    (of a feeling or its expression) sincere; deeply and strongly felt.

    “our heartfelt thanks”

    synonyms: sincere, genuine, from the heart; earnest, profound, deep, wholehearted, ardent, fervent, passionate, enthusiastic, eager; honest, bona fide

    The word refers to the sincerity of something, not how much feeling it evokes in its audience (though of course, something sincere is generally assumed to be more evocative.)

    Thus, this thread’s question, taken literally, is

    “What Jewish song do you think is the most sincere one?”

    Maybe I should go with Pesach Moshe’s music, as I don’t think

    anything other than sincerity could have gone into it.

    Two posts do fit well with the correct meaning.

    Bored123’s, here:

    and DaasYochid’s here:


    When I wrote that list of songs on the previous page, those are songs I felt are sincere, genuine, from the heart etc. 🙂


    Ani maamin from R’ shloime carlebach


    Show me the Way by Michoel Pruzansky


    Sunshine In the Rain (dunno who sings it originally – I have it on A.K.A Pella Platinum)


    cozimjewish, I also enjoy that song a lot!



    Sidi – whose song is it? (Besides A.K.A. Pella)


    From The Jewish Music Report’s review of A.K.A.Pella Platinum album by JM Derech:


    Thnx sidi! 🙂


    Right now I am obsessed with the song “Ana BeKoach” not sure who its by, but I think Gad Elbaz sang it at one of his concerts. I also love Chassidic Niggunim, as they always are very touching. So yeah.


    I’m not saying they’re the “most” anything, but I like

    Elyon’s “Se’u Yedeichem” (you can hear it on SoundCloud)

    and Simply Tsfat’s “Melody.”

    (Please don’t listen to the live performance

    of it on YouTube – it’s not good.)


    Racheim bechasdecha from dveikus . ( crying just from typing the words)


    Bnei Heichala- the Chabad one- esp sung by Benny Friedman. Sang it a lot in Israel, and every time I hear or sing it now, I’m transported back to a narrow, cobbled alleyway from a different world…

    Yedid Nefesh- there’s two I have in mind, don’t know who composed them. Also learned both of them in Israel- never even knew of Yedid Nefesh before… the first time I heard it, i had chills running up and down my body… still do every time i hear it.

    Mah Tagidu- every time I think of the meaning of the words, I cry… which is awkward at random shabbos tables and simchos. 😉

    Don’t Hide from Me- Avraham Fried, and many other Avraham Fried songs I can’t recall now.

    Lecha Dodi- I think it’s the Breslov one- Simply Tsfat sings it.

    Kad Yasvun Yisroel- the really old one (that is also sung in Yiddish) and Benny Friedman.

    Kidshu Brich Hi (Hu)- Chabad song sung on A Forshpiel in Viznitz…


    Avraham Fried’s ‘Ki Hirbeisa’. Also special mention for ‘A freilichen Tisha b’av’ on Ah Mechayeh yiddish album.

    Momish a Gaon

    Ata Hareisa
    Shema Yisroel (kshehalev boche) – Sarit Hadad- song was written after the 2000 intifada…
    Melech Malchei Hamlachim – watch vid of blind boy who starts to see again – gets anyone crying.
    Aluf HaOlam and Amen al Hayeladim by Hanan ben Ari
    Modeh ani by Omer Adam
    never alone by shaindy plotzker
    This one by bracha jaffe


    yeah omg love this one by bracha jaffe
    also this is me/we- think shulem lemmer sings? though not originally…


    My mother was a Holocaust survivor from Czechoslovakia. She was more comfortable with Yiddish than English so my brother and I were raised to speak Yiddish at home. When I was very little, she’d sing songs to me from her childhood in the 1930’s. Almost all of them were very sad – about lost loves, losing one’s home, loneliness, poverty. One song she sang was called “Papirineh Kinderlach Hub Ich” (I Have Paper Children), a mother’s lament that all of her children have grown up and moved away or died, and all she has left are their pictures. It made me cry every time.

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