Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him?

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    Chris Christie is a Republican, which most Jews seem to embrace.
    He doesn’t dwell on transgenderism, same-sex marriage etc that the Democrats embrace.
    He asks very pointed question regarding that modern-day false messiah.
    He wants to know why , after 4 years, Trump only build 54 miles of wall, and where was Mexico paying for that
    He wants to know why he raised America’s debt ceiling by trillions of dollars, when he promised to cut that.
    Speaking of broken promises, Trump lies and lies and lies.
    Trump still believes the election was ‘stolen’. Actually he doesn’t believe it, just lies about it…
    I watched Christie being interviewed on ‘Face the Nation’ and I’ll be darned if I understand why Jews overwhelmingly want a demagogue , con-artist, liar, lecher and sore loser – when they can vote a Republican, who doesn’t believe in the Democrats’ woke garbage and don’t have to deal with an indicted former president, who most likely will end up in jail..
    Christie’s words were extremely logical. That’ what we need in the White House
    Go Christie, go !!


    Christie is a social liberal.

    Christie was first against Trump, then he was for Trump and now he’s against Trump. He can’t seem to make to his mind.

    He’s good for a liberal state but not for the nation.


    yechiell, is there a reason why you started another thread on this? You could have continued the thread on this topic that you started.


    Probably because of why the rest of the population is not thrilled with him.

    If he shut the GW bridge just to get back at some politicians, imagine what he would do if he had more powers than that.


    yeshivaguy – why does that bother you so much? how about discussing the new topics i brought up?


    Yeshiva Guy I was going to ask the same question, you beat me to it,
    PS the surgeon who did CC gastric bypass is used by a lot of frum olam, I don’t know if that is reason enough to vote for him.


    During Christie’s first term as Governor Mrs. CTL (A”H) was very impressed with him and spoke with me saying that if he ran for President we should consider supporting him. Unlike me, she was registered unaffiliated.
    That ended with Bridgegate when he showed his true colors. Then the support of Trump and Beachgate made him forever banned in our home.

    The days of a sane or with reason Republican are gone. None of the current candidates could get my vote

    ☕️coffee addict


    What’s front with Hutchinson (from a democrat standpoint)?


    Why is a standard, run of the mill corrupt politician banned in a home? Is clinton(mr or mrs), biden, etc…any less corrupt? Why do we busy ourselves with the character of goyim? They have no Torah, they’re in positions of power, so they are almost certain to be corrupted…our job is to vote for whoever will legislate as close to the Torah/our interests. Unless a goy is mekabel the 7 mitzvos, why do we think they’re “good”? Is there a “good” person without torah values? Why does this need to be explained to frum people?


    “after 4 years, Trump only build 54 miles of wall, and where was Mexico paying for that”

    And all of that wall was where there was already pre-existing fence, so Trump didn’t actually add an inch. He replaced some fence with steel slats which don’t functionally seem much better. All just smoke and mirrors that unfortunately a big chunk of his base continues to fall for.

    In any case, if Christie’s only qualification is pointing out Trumps failures, there should be plenty of other candidates similarly qualified and without any past scandals.


    There is little reason to rally around anyone who doesn’t look like they will win the nomination. Frum people only rally around primary candidates in situations where their vote may actually make a difference about who will win the primary. This is not one of those times.

    (There was a fundraiser for Nikki Halley in Deal this Sunday but if she wouldn’t have had close ties with the frum community way before she decided to run that never would have happened)

    The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office dropped the complaint against Christie, because they did not believe that an official misconduct charge can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The government investigation conducted later also reached the conclusion that Christie had no prior knowledge of the incident



    Regarding the ban you mentioned, is it that if he were to knock on your front door, he would be sent away? Or is the ban in another sense?

    Moreover, it appears that most politicians who operate on a national level tend to be self-serving and engage in bad behaviors. Our current president, in particular, seems to have involved himself in various questionable activities, utilizing his elected position for personal financial gain.


    Christie has no chance of winning. His whole campaign has focused on alienating Trump’s base (the populist base, often called the “deplorables”, who would abstain rather than vote for Christie).

    To win, a Republican needs to unite the Republican party and appeal to independents and non-WOKE Democrats. While DeSantis has already alienated the populist wing, both Scott and Haley, both with good Reaganite/Tea Party backgrounds, are avoiding burning bridges to the MAGA wing of the party (though their best chance of winning the nomination is for Trump to drop out and endorse/anoint one of them).

    ☕️coffee addict

    “What’s front with Hutchinson (from a democrat standpoint)?“

    I meant what’s wrong


    The ban was from the list of candidates who might possibly receive our votes in the future.
    If he knocked on our door, I would invite him him, offer light refreshment and hear what he wanted to say. He seems to be an affable chap and if he traveled all the way to see me, I would not turn him away


    “While DeSantis has already alienated the populist wing”

    He never did anything to isolate Trump’s base; Trump just ordered his followers to hate DeSantis and they did so. He’ll do the same thing with the other names you mention once they’re also threats.

    If anything, it seems like DeSantis is isolating all the sane people by pandering to the populists lately.

    Sam Klein

    Cause he’s always screaming against Trump who’s on the same republican side as him and is Israel best friend so would you go against Trump and Eretz Yisroel?


    I think we should rally around who’s most likely to win the republican primaries. It is also a good idea to wait and see. Keep in mind things change very quickly in these elections there is still a chance someone new will jump in.
    As for the candidates, maybe look at Vivek Ramaswamy. I find him to be very respectable, he is anti woke and doesn’t seem like he will alienate trump voters.


    Neville Chaim Berlin: Christie is constantly criticizing Trump. Scott (and some others), are following the “old rule” attributed to Reagan, “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.” A Republican who wishes to win in November 2024 must have Trump’s support, and you don’t get that through ad hominem attacks on Trump. Indeed, there are signs of a backlash building against the nastiness of both the MAGA and WOKE camps, suggesting that the way to win the national election is to stick to respectful disagreement with one’s opponent instead of insulting and mocking those one disagrees with.

    Shimon Nodel

    משום צדק צדק תרדוף
    Also, because he’s a big fat loser


    They tried to rally around him, the girth was way too big and they had to give up

    ☕️coffee addict

    I was waiting for someone to make a fat joke


    Chris Christie just finished his Doctors checkup appointment and was told he currently weighs 425 pounds, so he asked the doctor if he can change it over to American dollars so he can pay the doctor for his appointment with it.


    a medical question – does too much fat leads to think skin (thru stretching)? Then his bridge affair can be written off as a medical issue, and he is a perfectly rounded candidate indeed.


    thin skin, I think


    The GW is my answer. I supported him up until that cruel childish piece of revenge which severely inconvenienced pretty much all of Rockland County just to get back at one man.

    Then he closed the beaches during Corona and took his family on vacation to the Jersey Shore. I can’t even imagine what he would do as president.


    Dear Yserbius,

    Your last paragraph is ridiculous. He wasn’t Governer during the pandemic. Murphy was. You mean the State shutdown. He didn’t close the beaches. There was no budget to keep them open. He didn’t go to the Shore. He went to his own house on Island Beach. The media didn’t do their jobs on him. Ever. They wouldn’t have known about Bridgegate if not for the whistleblower.


    How anyone can compare Bridgegate to the Jan 6 insurrection that almost destroyed our democracy, is beyond belief.


    yechiel, not sure where you live, but if you feel that a hundred people walking into Congress without weapons almost destroyed your democracy, you need to either move to a less fragile state or drink some herb water


    Always..As..Q – just one point (the rest is too obvious to answer): a noose to hang Mike Pence – is that a weapon or a toy? Duh !


    yechiell, we just witness a very minor attempt at a rebellion in Russia – that involved heavy weapons, shooting a couple of military planes – and even that was a joke. For whatever reason, Congress and DC mayor decided not to protect themselves against an angry crowd. Whatever position you take on all these issues, there was no threat to democracy except by people who are using it as an excuse to curtail civil liberties. Ever heard of Reichstag fire?


    “a noose to hang Mike Pence – is that a weapon or a toy? Duh !”

    A toy. For some reason I feel like you wanted the other answer.


    Dear Always,

    Your completely wrong here. Just because democracy overcame Jan. 6, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a threat to democracy.

    Hundreds of people have been sentenced for entering the Capitol. Get your facts somewhere near the target.

    Some factions came armed to the teeth with battle plans. The Capitol was thoroughly trashed. Look up the details.

    The Wagner Group’s march on Moscow is still really sketchy. I would love some real information. But you seem to be allergic.

    Everyone underestimated the threat. The Mayor did not want a repeat of the previous summer. With a little less luck, there would have been some dead congressmen. No comparison to Bridgegate.


    Dear Neville,

    All the Republican candidates should be pointing out Trump’s failures. But they are not. And it’s mind boggling. The Republican Party has real leadership issues. A bunch of phony alphas that are exposed as wimps. McConnell seems to be the only leader. And he closes the curtains before he does any actual leadership.

    It seems like the Republican base is motivated by one thing: electing losers.

    I wish it wasn’t true. But the primary history is extensive.


    First of all, C.C. doesn’t seem to have much chance of winning, as of now.


    Dear Yecheill,

    Christie is a persona cult Republican, just like Trump. You have to explain why we should take one against the other if there are other options.


    Dear Coffee,

    Hutchinson is a real Conservative. Almost no democrats would pick his policies. Most republicans won’t either.

    The choices are far out liberal, liberal, slightly moderate, fake conservative, or completely far out and fake without getting around to any policies.

    Any actual conservative get’s nowhere.


    Dear Akuperma,

    Insulting Trump is the wrong move. We all know how he will react.

    The other candidates should be pointing out that he failed all his objectives as well as the pandemic. And then he had the nerve to not have any platform for the 2020 election.


    Again, one username per customer

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