Chrstians claiming Rabbi wrote note naming Moshiach

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    What’s with the claims that the Chrstians use of a Rabbi ‘s note with the word yeshua on it? Of course we know the meaning of the word in Hebrew but they claim it was him writing the name of Messiah. Does anyone know about this note and can explain how they got this idea?


    They say about Rav Kaduri, ZT’L. It’s been debunked. It’s a fraud.


    Hogwash – no one even called yushke “yeshua” until the 20th century, when messianic “judaism” and “hebrew roots” Christianity became movements. They just Hebraicize the name J. He was likely Yeshu or Yehoshua.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I don’t understand

    I haven’t heard what you’re talking about and I don’t follow what you’re saying


    Is this related to the false South American Christian rumor that a certain young maggid shiur was named Moshiach by his followers?


    Xtians have been claiming rabbis have been writing about moshiach since its inception 2023 years ago. they claim numerous neviim in tanach named their yoshke as moshiach, they have made this claim, again and again for more than 2000 years. it was nonsense then, it is nonesense now, dont waste your time.

    That there are messianics out there that will twist anything into a pretzel to “prove” their belief is also something that is 2000 years old. dont waste your time.


    How they got this idea? They have had this ridiculous belief since the inception of their religion. Substitute Yirmiyahu Hanavi (or any one of the Neviim) with whatever name they picked in 2023 and you get the same ridiculous claim by Xtians.

    Avram in MD


    “Does anyone know about this note and can explain how they got this idea?”

    They do anything and everything to try and prove the validity of their deity. They take pesukim out of context (or outright mistranslate them) and claim them as proof texts. In his debates with the Ramban, Pablo Christiani even tried to prove their deity from statements in the gemara! They consider a Jewish person apostatizing R”L to be a big win for their cause. So really there’s no big explanation needed for how they’d get this idea. They’ll find a statement, warp its meaning, and run with it.

    Reb Shlomo

    According to them, the second coming of yoizel can not take place until all the Jews are converted to their religion. Rabbi Tovia Singer has many videos up on YouTube where he debunks everyone of their arguments using psukim from the Torah.


    “Yeshu” Hanotzri as he was referred to by Yidden is Roshei Teivos Y’emach SH’emo V’ezichro.

    When Js for X realized that they changed it to Yeshua. There is no source claiming that he was ever named Yehoshua.

    reb yid

    יש”ו as is written in the Gomorrah is not a name its an acronym for ימח שמוו וזכרו it never was a name they took it as a name.
    Regardless the one in the gemorah lived 180 year before they claim their guy lived so they can’t be the same.
    In fact the ones who write their Bible never saw the guy at all so basically their Bible is all hearsay.
    Basically there is no proof the guy they claim ever lived

    Reb Eliezer

    See Yabia Omer YD (7,20) about nitel.


    reb yid “ש”ו as is written in the Gomorrah is not a name its an acronym for ימח שמוו וזכרו it never was a name they took it as a name.”

    Wasn’t there at least 1 rav yeshu in the Talmud? Hw can it be an acronym then

    ☕️coffee addict


    Where is he in the Gemara? Spelled ישו?


    I’ve heard that before, about Yeshu being roshei taivos, but where is that brought down?

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