Pinchos – Hakoras Hatov, Recognizing the Good

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  • #1987002
    Reb Eliezer

    Rashi says that he deserves his just rewards. The Dubner Magid gives a mashel to a wholesaler who hires a young man agreeing that he gets no salary but only room and board. In the middle of a Purim seuda a retail person arrives asking to be served. As the wholesaler refuses to serve him for being in the middle of the seuda, the young man volunteers to serve him. Later. the boss asks him what do I owe you? So he says, I don’t understand, didn’t we agree that I don’t get a salary? He says to the young man, until now I thought that the food I pay you means something to you but you are willing to sacrifice it for me showing that my business is more important to you, so you deserve a payment which is more valuable to you.
    Similarly, one cannot be greatful enough with appreciation to Hashem for having a happy healthy life without any worries, but Pinchos sacrificed his life for His will, so he deserves to be paid something valuable to him.

    Reb Eliezer

    We should always emphasize the positive and appreciate the good given to us by Hashem.

    Reb Eliezer



    Yes Hashem blessed Pinchos-Eliyahu Hanavi the blessing to live forever. For standing up for Hashems honor and is still alive today stopping into every Bris and Peach Seder and many other places.

    May we all get to greet him soon together with Mashiach speedily in our days bkarov

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