Shabbos Keeper fridge device

Home Forums Shabbos! Shabbos Keeper fridge device

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  • #1605829

    I purchased this for my new fridge, but it only contains installation information (support number has a recording). So could anyone answer these questions:
    1. Does it indicate when it is in Shabbos mode?
    2. If there is a power failure, does it lose track of the time? Does it recover (if on Shabbos) back to Shabbos mode?
    3. If it already went into Shabbos mode, is there an override to use the water dispenser, let’s say, just before Shabbos when it is already in Shabbos mode?
    4. Is there a way to set how early before Shabbos it activates? Similarly, after Shabbos.
    Thank you.


    What brand of fridge and do you have the Zeman Technology timer?


    The Shabbos Keeper, as far as I know, is only for certain GE brands. The Zman product for other problematic refrigerators appears to be out of stock (according to their website).


    borninthebronx: none of your questions are answered by the documentation on the zman technologies website. call them directly,


    1. Yes 2. Not supposed to but sometimes yes 3. No you change the mode 4. Not that I know of

    You can also have it go into Shabbos mode manually and not automatically.

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