Siblings’ machatonim on shidduch resumes

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    Why do people increasingly include the phone numbers of their married siblings’ machatonim as references on their shidduch resumes?
    What is the benefit of calling them before deciding on a first date? To find out how much money the parents of the single you are inquiring about would give you??


    The most logical articles about the Shidduch Crisis
    are those written by Rabbi Chananya Weissman.

    I suggest this article:

    How to create a Shidduch Crisis in 15 easy steps:
    http://www. chananyaweissman. com/article.php?id=219

    yaakov doe

    Contact with the married siblings machatonim can alert people as to how difficult they found the potential shidduch’s parents to deal with regarding the chassanah etc. I know families who wish they had been warned.


    How the parents treat their sons/daughter in laws? Are they good people? Do they have good values? Are they honest?


    Nebuch. How thin-skinned and snowflaky.
    Learning how to cope with what you described is minuscule compared life’s other harsh realities. Shouldn’t stand in way of building a Bayis neoomon bYisroel with the person (!!) unless if he or she poses a life-threatening danger to you!


    Do you realize how grossly invasive to make those kinds of phone calls before deciding on a first date???

    What garbage.


    If you really want to know how they treat their in-laws from an objective perspective, perhaps you should spend 72 hours surveilling the family with a Camera Drone instead of randomly calling the other family before deciding on a first date.


    I found it enjoyable to speak with current machatonim. They confirmed what we already knew and we got to know each other a little through the process. It gave us stuff to talk about at the Shabbos Sheva brochos.


    Research is invasive at its core – the point of research is to gather information about someone else. Do you do ANY research before a first date?


    Personally, I don’t.


    Wow, this is a new level of cluelessness.
    Yes, shidduchim isn’t just dating. It is researching that both the children are compatible, and that they come from a home where values that you consider important are taught (yes, sometimes a child will be different from the parents, but information about the parents should raise a red flag). The mechutanim are usually my first phone call when researching. If you don’t think it’s important, then don’t call. But I don’t understand why you are questioning a fundamental, basic, easy to understand concept.


    Why do people have shidduch resumes at all? They certainly didn’t have them in the alter heim.

    Yabia Omer

    “Why do people have shidduch resumes at all? They certainly didn’t have them in the alter heim.”

    Excellent point


    My response to Chananya Weissman: dating without research will lead to bad dates. Rather spend time beforehand, research that a date will be compatible and come with a positive attitude.


    I don’t think people necessarily expect you to call the mechutanim. I could just be as a hechsher for the family. Imagine if the mechutanim listed are a very well respected Rosh Yeshiva/ Rebbe/ Askan etc. Wouldn’t you think to yourself “Hey if these people saw fit to marry into this family they can’t be that bad”. It make you realize that you are not the first daring ones.

    I do like the idea of shidach resumes even though we did have them in the alter heim. When I was dating we got the same information over the phone and had to write it down Resumes is just a more efficient way of sharing information.
    There are a few other things we did not have in the alter heim but I think they are improvements (cars, washing machines, gas ovens etc.)

    Yabia Omer

    a resume is just “she’s a good girl, her father is a rov, she’s eidel, good middos, etc. etc.” on paper.


    YO: A resume is who the parents are, what girl/boy are currently doing, information about schooling and references.

    Yabia Omer

    It’s that also. What I mean to say is Jews have been getting “resumes” or “summaries” of boys and girls since time immemorial. We just changed it to paper because of Meshugas. This is not central to being a frum yid.


    YO: it used to be that the shadchan would call and you had to get a pen and your shidduch notebook and write down all the pertinent information. Now it got easier, you write down your own information and just e mail it. All those who prefer to use kerosene lanterns instead of electricity are welcome to do so.



    I don’t understand why is it better
    If a shadchan asks every family the same questions and rights them all down

    Where does he/she live
    how hold is he/she
    What do thye do
    what school/yeshiva did they go to
    etc etc

    isnt it much more efficent to just have them “pre-answer” all these standard questions?

    Similarly why is it better if a person answers the same questions
    Where does he/she live
    how hold is he/she
    What do thye do
    what school/yeshiva did they go to
    etc etc
    to each shadchan they contact?

    Isnt it more efficient to just right out these answers beforehand ?

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