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    Why BDE? Isn’t BDH or BDHE more correct?


    How about a little more respectful for a tzelem elokim? Can’t we take an extra five seconds to write Boruch Dayan Haemes when it comes to a priceless human being that C”V just left the world and is gone forever until we as one loving nation do serious Teshuva and Achdus to bring Mashiach already and then everyone will be blessed to have Techiyas Hameisim.

    May it all happen very soon.


    This is a transliteration to another language, using a different alphabet. There’s no official rules or right and wrong.

    Resident Mortal



    @yungermanS Unfortunately, not everyone will be zoiche to techiyas hamaisim.

    It is always, everytime, transliterated incorrectly.


    This is longtime pet peeve of mine. Not a big deal in the Scheme of Things, but – I agree.


    Once the general topic has been raised:
    Why write BDE or Baruch Dayan Haemes in a comment?
    Are you adding something ? Giving someone something to think about? The headline of the article usually already says it. You are Yehuda ViOd LiKra.
    Obviously, when one hears a Besura one SAYS Baruch Dayan Haemes.
    But I can’t figure the thought process of the five or so people who feel it necessary to respond in the comments and reiterate that which already has been stated for one and all.

    Anan Sahadi

    I think that is the way people express their personal grief in the public setting.
    nothing is wrong with that



    “Unfortunately, not everyone will be zoiche to techiyas hamaisim.”

    Are you G-d? Are you privy to His decision making?


    I was referring to Chazal (Kesubos 111b) and sefer Chofetz Chaim (Choivas Hashmirah) on the posuk Kiv Tal Torah Hu etc…


    Does the Gadol Hador that tragically just left klal yisroel. Harav Gershon Eidelstein ZTL deserve full respect of Boruch Dayan Haemes versus just writing BDE?

    for such a Gadol hador that devoted his entire life to Torah and klal yisroel from all angels I think we can all agree that we can all take an extra few seconds to write it fully with respect.

    Boruch Dayan Haemes

    Wish we had davened harder for his complete refuah and then we would be writing Shlita like we need such tzaddikim to guide us in today’s generation.

    May his neshama have an aliya.


    The passing of Rav Edelstein ZT’L, while sad, is not a tragedy. He lived to be 100 years old and had a life filled with Torah. Every person dies, even Moshe Rabbeinu. We should be celebrating that we were zoiche to have lived in his time and were able to share in his knowledge.

    Sam Klein

    Boruch Dayan Haemes

    Another Tzaddik Hador Harav Ezriel Bergman ZT”L at the age of 70 has left the world and we are now all mourners including the Niftars father Harav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlita who was on his way to America to the Adirei Hatorah event but instead Hashem runs the entire world and had other plans the Gadol Hador will continue on his trip to America but will miss the Adirei Hatorah event and be sitting Shiva in Lakewood instead of Bnei Brak

    YungermanS is correct that Tzaddikim and even regular people deserve respect and instead of just squeezing them with a BDE each human being deserves it written in full and definitely our leaders of klal yisroel

    May his Neshama have an Aliya

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    YungermanS is correct


    It’s a sockpuppet account. How many accounts do you have?


    > while sad, is not a tragedy

    R Yaakov Kamenetsky’s son writes against this attitude (about his father). He says that people who think this way do not appreciate that the longer you know the person, the greater the loss.

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