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  • in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2207430

    @RSo clearly you have not read his book. Rashi says if it’s someone from the living NOW and if it’s someone who died ALREADY it’s Doniel. Ie in the future it can be anyone that lives or dies. After rebbi died Rav would likely think Rebbi could still be Moshiach. Again you are showing your Am Aratzus and clearly have not read the book that you are trying to trash…. Not such an intelligent position to have….

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2207431

    @RSo I forgot to add you clearly have also not seen the Yad Ramah to kegoin Doniel… Nor even the maharsha or the arugas haboisem or the maharsham….. But keep spewing hate come what may as well all respect the mesorah more than Chazal of course

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2207357

    #AviraDeArah RE: Ramban says no such thing. Ramban is quoted in the INTORDUCTION to his sefer. Ramban said we dont believe in a dead “Moshiach” ie if you claim you are the Actual Moshiach ie the Moshiach Vadei then you had better fulfill all the messianic prophesies before you die. he said that as the Xtians claimed Yoshke is the Actual Moshiach etc…. however he didnt fulfill any of the messianic prophesies…

    Ramban is not coming to say Moshiach cannot come from the dead and then fulfill all the messianic prophesies as chazal say is possible (without machloikes).

    also as Reb Chaim Kanievsky said we dont posken or make hanhagos from Vikuchim etc.

    RE: RAMBAM. since when is killed the same as died? and in any event Rambam says those words on a Chezkas Moshiach only not stam a Raui Lehyos Moshiach as he says in his conclusion to his sefer.

    futhermore being all of chazal held without Machloikes its not Shayach for any Rishon or Posek Halacha to rule agianst moshiach coming from the dead.

    Remember Chezkas Moshiach is only a Raui Lehyos Moshiach but with a halachic status. Chezkas Moshiach according to Rambam has NOT even begun to fulfil the messianic prophesies and hasnt even started “The Messianic Mission” Messianic Mission is poskened by Rambam as Building the Bais HaMikdiosh and doing Kibutz Galios etc…. Getting the world ready with a Moshiach campaign is not considered a Messianic Mission unless you redfine Messianic Mission to push an Adgenda… certainly not a Toras Emes Agenda etc…..

    Love your fellow Jew. There is no apikorsus here…. just move on

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2207356

    #AviraDeArah RE: “He invented the techia protis thing; no one says it clearly.” As quoted in Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach the source for Techiya Pratis is Rambam Igeres Tchiyas HaMeisim perek 6.

    in any event Poshut Pshat with Moshiach coming from the dead means Moshiach will be ressurected in a Techiya Pratis.

    RE: “And rashis 2nd(and preferred) pshat” Does this kinda sorta mean you now acknoledge Rashi 1st Pshat is very clealy understanding the Gemara to be teaching Moshiach can come from the dead?

    if so what exactly is the problem you have? Chazal say Moshiach can come from the dead. you also keep avoiding the Yerushalmi he quotes that Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Levi Argues with Dovid Shmei and says Tzemach Shmei. As he points out the context of this machloikes is Moshiach from the living and Moshiach from the dead. same for Menachem Shmei….

    clearly chazal hold Moshiach can come from the dead…. so what exactly is your Taana? that it cant be the Rebbe?

    secondly you call Rashi Second Pirush Perferable? that means you throw away his first?!?!? and who said the second one is the Ikar? as he said in his book the second pirush starts with K’lomar and is only brought to settle the kashos with the first etc and he wrote a whole chapter explaining as to WHY it is incorrect to think the second Pirush is Rejecting the notion of Moshiach from the dead….

    so have said nothing to address these well reasoned points he makes….

    just because you dont want to like something doesnt mean facts just disappear.

    Regarding ELiyahu he quotes from Terumas Hadeshen that says Eliyahu is Considered meis. and his coming back is considered a Techiya Pratis….

    RE: “But they individually were not moshiach, since the geulah did not happen in their times.” are you sure you really read his book? his whole book is not about the Goel Tzedek rather his book is mainly about Raui Lehyos Moshiach. Chazal say you are fit to be moshiach whether you are alive or mais without Machloikes….

    do you think chazal do not hold moshiach can come from the dead?
    if so quote why you feel that way so far you havent stated anything factual personal attacks edited(you continue to ignore the YErushalmi and Medrash too)…. sad day for the TOrah…

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2207354

    #RSo regarding #1 “…rate I didn’t understand ) as to what Rashi holds has no basis. That is, we can’t know what Rashi meant by that piece.”

    so sad that due to your preconceived ideas you would rather show the whole world you are completely uninteligent and make like you have no clue rather than admit you have made a mistake and that chazal do hold moshiach can come from the dead.

    Rashi clearly holds we are talking about a read person they said is Moshiach. see also explicitily in the Maharsha and also as quoted in his sefer from the Agadas Eliyahu they called Menachem Ben Chizkiya “Melech HaMoshiach” ie Rashi clearly holds its not just names and attirbutes rather they are pointing a finger and saying he is Fit to be Moshiach or as Maharsha states “Moshiach” and Agadas ELiyahu “Melech HaMoshiach” its all in his sefer if you would do yourself a favor and just read it (along with the Haskamos).

    #2 If you would have read his sefer or been conversant with this Sugia you would know the Medrash and Yerushalmi both say the story of Menachem Ben Chizkia in releation to Menachem Shmoi. ie Menachem Ben Chizkiya was VERY well known. just read his book or the sources your self.

    RE: “משיח צדקנו” if it is merly an Honorfic why doesnt anyone in the Litvishe world use it? it seems like you have an aversion to talmidim saying their Rav is Moshiach. why is that? do you not like what Chazal, Rishonim and Acharonim teach? you hate fellow frummer yidden so much you are prepared to disregard parts of the Tora!?!?

    Regarding Frummer yidden saying the REbbe is B’chezkas Moshiach. its a lot more than just Lubavitchers. see the Sefer Yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach. Rav Pinchus Hirschprung also signed the Rebbe is Chezkas moshiach along with others including R’ Ovadia Yosef….

    The Rebbe himself acknoledged thepsak he is Chezkas Moshiach. in the Sicha of Shmois Nun Bais and also Mishpotim Nun Bais. Of Course his followers will hold the same as thier Rav etc

    in short you have shown to all who read your commments you are not conversant with the relevant sources nor have you read his book. right now you look like a brainwashed Parrot.

    any further questions you should contact the Mechaber.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2207061

    @AviraDeArah I live in Lakewood and I bought the sefer from Judaica Plaza. What’s so hard to believe? Lakewood is full of chasidim.

    BH I see emes is important to you. BH that’s a midda tova.

    Poshut pshat with Rav’s statement and (don’t forget ) the Medrash and yerushalmi stating Moshiach can come from the dead. Is it means Moshiach will have a Techiya Pratis before the Geula. Similar to the Gemara which says Moshe and Aharon will be with him. Ie they will have a Techiya before the building of the bais hamikdosh. Ie before Moshiach comes. So too Eliyahu hanavi could come also before Moshiach comes.

    A Techiya Pratis for anyone also includes Moshiach. Why should he be different? Because you have a fantasy?

    FYI all yidden including those in Lakewood respect Torah and Chazal. His sefer is part of Torah. Unless of course you don’t like it in which case you can continue to fantasize

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206935

    @RSo here are some mkoros the mechaber sent to me via his website. Feel free to contact him yourself too he is responsive.

    Calling someone Moshiach:


    בשו”ת הריב”ש כותב על רבו הר”ן “ילמדנו רבנו רוח אפנו משיח צדקנו” (שם סי’ תע”ח). “תמלוך ותנשא על כסא ה’ למלך על כל ישראל” (שם סימן שפ”ח). ועוד.

    ובס’ נתיבות עולם להמהר”ל מפראג, ח”ב ע’ פג ואילך, (נתיב הלשון פ”ט), נדפס מכתב מתלמיד המהר”ל אל רבו, ובתוך הדברים כותב “מלאך ה’ בתוכנו, ישכון כבוד בארצנו, משיח צדקנו, בראשנו מלכנו, מלך יהודה, ראהו וישמחו במלכותו אדון כל הארץ יקרא, הגאון המופלא מוהר”ר יהודה ליווא יחי אדוננו לעולם וכסאו כשמש יהלום יכין נצח … כביר ונאור, רוח אפנו, משיח צדקנו, יחיד בדורנו, עין הארץ, אליך עיני ישראל ישברון לאמר יהוד”ה יעלה בתחילה” עיי”ש בארוכה. (ולהעיר שהספר הזה ביחד עם המכתב נדפס ע”י המהר”ל בעצמו, בשנת שנ”ו).

    ובס’ שדה צופים על מס’ מכות ע’ ז, כותב בשם הרה”צ מקלויזנבורג “והרה”צ בעל דברי יציב זצ”ל אמר פעם בשיעוריו למס’ מכות, דמה שהביאו בעלי התוס’ כמה פעמים מפי מורו וחתם בר”ת משי”ח, מורי שיחי’, “כן נראה למשי”ח”, הכוונה לפי דברי הגמ’ דסנהדרין (צח ע”ב) דאיירי בשמו של משיח דבי ר’ שילה אמרי שילה שמו כו’, רואים אנו שהתלמידים האמינו כל כך בגדולת רבם עד שמצאו רמזים בתורה שרבם הוא משיח ה’, שלא נברא העולם אלא בשבילו כמ”ש ר’ יוחנן שם. ולכן חתמו בעלי התו’ תורת רבם בר”ת משי”ח להורות אמונתם שרבם ה”ה משיח ה'”.

    ובהגהות שי למורה (להגאון בעל שואל ומשיב) על בית שמואל שמות גיטין אנשים אות ש’, כותב “ואני שמעתי שנמצא בקראקא ש”ס שהגיה הגאון מ’ שכנא ז”ל בפרק חלק בשמות של משיח שהגיה אני אומר שכנא שמו שנאמר לשכנו תדרשו”. ועד”ז בס’ ברכת המים – סדר הגט למוהר”ר מיכל ר’ יוזפש (דפוס ירושלים תשמ”ג ע’ רמ”ה) כותב “וגם שמעתי דכשלמד הגאון הנזכר בהגדה דפ’ חלק שנחלקו שם בשמו של משיח וכל א’ מביא סמך מן המקרא אמר הגאון אילו הייתי שם הייתי אומר שכנו שמה שנאמר לשכנו תדרשו וגו'”.
    ובפי’ האור החיים הק’ על פרשת ראה טו, ז, כותב “משיח ה’ שמו חיים”. וידוע הסיפור עם המדפיס בשם “אשר” שהדפיס את האור החיים הק’ (דפוס שקלאוו תשמ”א) והשמיט את המילים האלו מהדפוס מפני שהאור החיים הק’ כיוון על עצמו, והראה לו הרה”צ ר’ פינחס מקוריץ איך שבפרשת נשא (ה, כח), בפי’ האור החיים הק’ “בין מאיש זה בין משאר” הדפיס “בין מאשר”. ואמר לו “ראה חותמך”. (ס’ דבר יום ביומו (קנולר) י’ אלול. צילום מהעמודים הנ”ל נדפסו בקובץ שפתי צדיקים, גליון ד’, (ירושלים תשנ”ב), ע’ צב-צג). וראה גם עטורי חיים (על האור החיים הק’) ע’ תמט.

    וראה גם רד”ק על תהלים פט, מח “בכל דור ודור יתאוה מי שהוא מזרע דוד שתהי’ בימיו הישועה ויהי’ הוא המלך המשיח”.

    וכן מצינו במשך הדורות שהיו כמה גדולי ישראל שאמרו עליהם (או שהם אמרו על עצמם) שהם ראויים להיות משיח (או משיח בן יוסף), כמבואר בספרים דלהלן:

    שער הגלגולים הקדמה ל”ו הגה”ה ב’ (שבאם הי’ הדור זוכה, הי’ ר’ חיים ויטאל משיח בן יוסף), שבחי ר’ חיים ויטאל (בתחילתו, שנת ה’של”א); שער הספר לקוטי שושנים (הדפוס הישן) לר’ שמשון מאוסטרופוליא. דברי אמת (להחוזה מלובלין) פ’ ויצא ד”ה ויזכור; תולדות יצחק (לר’ יצחק כהנא, ירושלים תרמ”ד) ע’ קמא, אודות הגר”א; ס’ דגלי אהבה ח”ג ע’ תתקנ, על רבי עמנואל חי ריקי בעל המשנת חסידים; ס’ ספרא רבה דישראל ע’ קמ”ב משמי’ דהחת”ס על תלמידו ר’ משה קאנישא; רבותינו (וולף) ע’ קיג (שר’ איסר זלמן מלצר אמר שאם יאמרו לי שהחזון איש הוא המשיח, אאמין. ע”ש); ויקהל שלמה (רפפורט), ז, א; בנין שלמה (לנגרמן), לקוטים תלפיות ערך אש (אות לא), אודות הרמב”ם בדורו; מאמר מדרכי (וינגורה) ע’ 6-7, 17. תורת מהרש”ל ע’ קמט ואילך. רמתים צופים על תנא דבי אליהו, מהודרה החדשה ע’ תע ואילך (על הרה”ק ר’ שלמה מלענטשע); רזא דעובדא ח”ב ע’ ז. בית ישראל (קובץ אמרות מהרה”צ מרוזין, נכתב ע”י ר’ ראובן ז”ק) ע’ יד. נר ישראל (רוזין) ח”ד ע’ קיד. שם ח”ה ע’ סא, צב, רכח. תפארת ישראל (רוזין) קובץ יא ע’ 42 ואילך. שם קובץ כ’ ע’ 19. כתבי חסידים ראשונים לבית רוזין ע’ פג, פו. אבל מצרים ח”א ע’ ט, ב (“ידוע אשר רובא דרובא מצדיקי וגאוני הדור חשבו על זקינו הצדיק סבא קדישא האדמו”ר קדוש ישראל מרוזין זצ”ל שהוא יהי’ המשיח לישראל”). גנזי ישראל (טשורטקוב) הוצאת תשע”ד ח”ב, סדר קדשים ע’ 26 ואילך. ושם ע’ 74 (דברי הרב משה מרדכי אפשטיין על הרה”צ ר’ ישראל מטשורטקוב); אבן שתי’ החדש ח”א ע’ קב בהערה ג, אהל יצחק (וולדן) ח”ב ע’ ז, (וראה ברכת חיים (עפשטיין) ע’ כג בהספד על הרה”צ ר’ יצחק מווארקי); מפי ספרים וספרים אבות ח”א (מהדורת תשע”ג) ע’ שסז בהערה. קובץ בית אהרן וישראל, חוברת ט’, ע’ קה. שם קובץ לד, ע’ קנג ואילך. שמע שלמה (קליינבוים) ח”ב, אותיות מ, פ, פא. רשפי אש החדש ע’ צט. נפלאות הסבא קדישא ח”א ע’ 56 (ובמהדורה החדשה ע’ קמה). שיחת חולין של ת”ח החדש ע’ לג. אבקות רוכלים ע’ קצו. ילקוט יוסף (ילוז) ע’ 31, 42 ואילך. אמונת משה, במדבר, ע’ פז ואילך. שיח שרפי קודש (ראקוץ) ח”ג ע’ 19. שם ח”ה ע’ 92 ואילך (אות יז). כתבי ר’ יאשע שו”ב ע’ פו, רכג, רמד, רצה. מקור חיים (מיכלזאהן) ע’ לז, אותיות רסו, רסז. קדוש ישראל (רוט) ח”ב ע’ שיז. נחלי אמונה סלאנים, קובץ ח-ט (חשון – טבת תשמ”ג), ע’ לא ואילך; פעולת הצדיק אות תשכ”ז; מגדל עז (מונדשיין) ע’ תפו בהערה; אוצר פניני תורה וחסידות ע’ 292; שבחי רבינו השומר אמונים ח”ב ע’ כג; דרכי חיים ושלום סי’ רנו בהערה; תפארת רבותינו מאלכסנדר ע’ כד-כה; וראה ג”כ קבוצת כתבי אגדה ח”ב ע’ תקב. ועוד כהנה וכהנה.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206934

    @AviraDeArah Can you be specific. You have written a long winded vitriolic comment but I didn’t see any sources or specific quotes from his book that you claim you have actually read. Hot air is not a source. I am wondering if you are attempting to spread baseless lies, rhetoric and propaganda Al a the misnagidim against the baal Shem Tov….

    In short you have no toichen in your comment.
    Please be specific.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206933

    @SQUARE_ROOT as explained in the sefer the Gemara Bavli Yerushalmi and Medrash say Moshiach can come from the living or dead.

    As explained in Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach they are all talking about Raui Lehyos Moshiach. Fit to be Moshiach.

    No one is the Moshiach ie Ultimate Redeemer/ Goel Tzedek until after they build the bais hamikdosh and kibutz galios etc.

    As quoted in the sefer Rambam holds that Hashem can make a Techiya Pratis before Moshiach comes.

    Poshut pshat of Moshiach from the dead. Is he will experience an individual resurrection then fulfill all the messianic prophecies/ the messianic mission etc.

    Until that happens do one is the actual Moshiach b’vadei. At most you can be bchezkas Moshiach. As explained in the sefer. I think you would do well to read it.

    Lubavitch as all yidden are awaiting the Geula.

    Then we will all benefit. Until that happens we can all benefit from ahavas yisroel and achdus yisroel.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206932

    @RSo clearly you have not read the sefer. As pointed out in the sefer many mefarshim including Rashi hold they are calling their Rav “Moshiach” ie fit to be Moshiach as quoted in the sefer. Rashi also holds they are calling their Rav Raui Lehyos Moshiach. As is seen clearly from Rashi d’h Menachem: (says Rashi) Ben Chizkiya. Once Rashi shows his girsa just said Menachem so he then states it’s a real human being with a father called Chizkiya. We see he holds not just names and attributes but rather they’re pointing a finger and saying he is fit to be Moshiach.

    Furthermore it’s well known (or rather known to those who are into the sugia) many acharonim quote this Gemara to hint they are fit to be Moshiach such as Shachna Shmoi and Chaim Shmoi.

    Also in yerushalmi and Medrash when it says if Moshiach is from the dead Dovid shmei all the mefarshim state it means dovid HaMelech himself. Ie not just names and attributes. Also the mefarshim which do say names and attributes such as maharsha, look closely and you will see he isn’t coming to negate the poshut pshat that they are calling their Rav Moshiach. Rather he gives a deeper pshat too that they also mean names and attributes. This is understood by the fact he brings different pasukim than the Gemara and also he is explicit about Menachem Ben Chizkiya is “Moshiach” see there for yourself. The maharal that says names and attributes isn’t coming to argue with the poshut pshat rather as is his derech he explains the Gemara al pi drash. Etc.

    So in essence as I said Lubavitch is saying the same as the Gemara states about the yeshivas of rebbi shiloi Yanai and chanina….

    Gemara is where we learn how to act as Jews. So Lubavitch and all yidden can learn and do the same as the amorayim. As did Reb shachna the rebbi and father in law of the rama and Chaim Shmoi the Ohr hachaim….

    These points are exactly what makes Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach such an eye opener…

    Sorry about that.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206765

    @Emunas1 interesting way of understanding Rambam. And if Rambam would have said died instead of killed that would not negate yoshke?

    How about Rambam says someone from bais dovid diligently learning Torah and doing mitzvahs etc. Surely that negates yoshke who chazal Rambam and rambaN state was never fit to be Moshiach even while alive?!?

    Furthermore Rambam goes on to explicitly refer to Yoshke stating he was vulgar etc and killed by bais din….

    You are very mistaken with your understanding of killed vs died…

    In any event Rambam says those words on a bchezkas Moshiach only and states he loses his chazaka. Yoshke was never bchezkas Moshiach rachmana Litzlan…

    in reply to: RCA Statement Regarding Chabad Messianism #2206748

    Since we can’t post urls here. Google rabbi Yitzchok schochet response to RCA resolution that was published in Jewish chronicle.

    Basically he says the Rebbe never started the messianic mission. The messianic mission as told by pasukim chazal and Rambam is building the bais hamikdosh and kibutz galios etc. A campaign to publicize Moshiach’s coming and getting ready for Moshiach is by no stretch of the imagination considered starting a messianic mission unless one is a crack pot professor and riding a tide of infighting and open hostility towards Chabad etc

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206743

    @rightjew your vitriolic response lacks any toichen ie sources other than hot air.

    Clearly you have not read thar sefer.

    Chabad in essence is saying the same thing as dbei rebbi shiloi, Yanai and chanina…

    Someone that is fit to be Moshiach or even a bchezkas Moshiach as explained in the introduction to that sefer hasn’t even begun to fulfill the “Messianic mission” the messianic mission as told by chazal neviyim and Rambam is to build the bais hamikdosh and kibutz galios etc. A campaign to publicize Moshiach’s coming is immanent is in no way shape or form considered a messianic mission. Unless your rabbi is a crack pot professor….

    Perhaps actually read the book and the impressive haskamos then comment

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2206742

    k not all agados are non literal. Please see Radvaz to Rambam Hilchos melachim perek 11 halacha alef stating Rambam poskened here by using agados and medrahsim same for halacha 3 and 4 which talk about chezkas Moshiach and vadei Moshiach.

    Ie as shown in Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach Rashi, Yad Ramah, maharsha and others all take the Gemara literally that Moshiach can come from the dead.

    Just because that’s a fact does not make it dangerous or have any baring on false messiah’s being sheker…

    in reply to: RCA Statement Regarding Chabad Messianism #2206003

    Another thread about Moshiach from the dead. Please see Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach. It shows Moshiach from the dead was a common belief among Chazal and specifically shows Rambam did not rule out Moshiach from the dead l’halacha. It’s a sefer in English and a free download. I bought mine in Judaica Plaza in Lakewood.

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2204808

    Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach is a sefer written in English that got Litvishe haskamos. The sefer givens a deep dive into the sugia of Moshiach from the dead. It proves it was common belief among Chazal Moshiach could come from the dead and shows instances of students calling their Rav Moshiach while he was alive and continuing to call their Rav Moshiach after he passed away. The sefer also shows Rambam did not rule out Moshiach from the maisim l’Halacha. Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach is a free download and answers all the taanos I have seen in this thread

    in reply to: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead #2204752

    Incredible how much ignorance still exists. Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach was published 2 years ago with haskamos from Litvishe Rebonim. It proves Chazal hold Moshiach can come from the dead for as long as one is considered FIT to be Moshiach even. Yoshke was never considered FIT to be Moshiach even while alive. The book is a free download. I read it. BH it’s a real eye opener.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204753

    This topic has been settled. Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach is an in depth analysis on what Chazal said about Moshiach coming from the dead. It’s a free download. It was common belief among Chazal Moshiach could come from the dead and Rambam didn’t rule it out l’halacha. The sefer has litvishe haskamos. See this short video from a noted talmid Chochom: link removed

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